Sunday, November 16, 2008

The Twins


Brian Head, Utah, Christmas 1973. The little versions of Uncle Scott and Craig...don't ask me to identify them individually. Can you tell them apart? View Larger Size from Flickr.


  1. Great photo of the twins. The 70's are so awesome. I wish I had the shirt of whoever is in the background.

  2. I believe: The shirt belongs to my brother Steve and that Craig is the one on the right. We've invited my brothers and sister, including Scott and Craig, to view the blog, so they may be able to help.

  3. I transferred Tanya's comment from the Flickr photo page to this blog. Here it is:

    "Craig's on the left and Scott's on the right. Don't ask me how I know - I simply know it:-)

    Very cool Christopher - really enjoyed seeing this. Bianca could guess who her Daddy was as well - pretty amazing."
