Friday, November 7, 2008



All of you know that I've started scanning our collection of family slides that spans 40+ years. Since it will be time consuming to scan all of our slides, I decided I would frequently post some of the scanned pictures here rather than make everybody wait until the end of the project to see the results. Not all of the photos will be professional-quality shots, but I will choose a mix of the better ones along with other photos that the family should enjoy...or enjoy making fun of :-P.

Anyhow, post comments, memories, etc. about the pictures and enjoy looking at them!

Everyone Else:

For anyone else that stumbles upon this blog, I should mention that I did not take any of the original pictures. That credit goes to my parents who took most of the pictures with six kids in tow.

For the technically inclined and interested, the slides are currently being scanned with a Nikon Coolscan 5000 slide scanner which handles 35mm positives and negatives. The original scans are about 20 megapixels each, so they have been scaled down for this blog.

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